Guest Post: Capt. Jill’s Skyrim Beef Stew


As detailed in my previous post, my brain is currently taking a holiday. Or wants to. Is there a difference? I don’t know. As such, today we’re bringing you a special new feature: Guest posts! Today’s guest is from Capt. Jill of Capt. Jill’s Journeys. When Jill contacted me asking if I’d be interested in her fare I eagerly agreed as the stew seemed like something straight out of Skyrim – just a few more ingredients! Hey, taste is important.

Similarly, the story of how this stew came to be seemed exactly like a scenario straight out of Skyrim (and I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the fisherman had taken a harpoon to the knee at some point). For the full story, why not check out Jill’s original post? Now, if only I could have a bowl delivered to my desk…

Ready? Let’s go. Take it away, Captain!

Continue reading Guest Post: Capt. Jill’s Skyrim Beef Stew

From the Shadows: Assassin’s Creed Cookies


I admit it: I’ve been depressed. Hellishly so, you might say. As such, my efforts in the kitchen of late have been… less than stellar. Lackluster. Nonexistent. I haven’t baked anything at all in a month. Would you forgive me for chocolate? Well, how about chocolate chocolate chip? From scratch?

There we go; that’s the ticket.

The Assassin’s Creed series is one of my favorite games/series that I am incapable of playing. Top Ten material, probably. With its rich storylines and gameplay I could watch someone play it for days. Also, if I could lose about half my body weight and wear Assassin’s garb full time… Yeah. That’d be great.

Ready? Let’s go.

Continue reading From the Shadows: Assassin’s Creed Cookies

A New Year’s Announcement: Skill Up Skillet 1.2

Happy New Year, Geeks! Belatedly, anyway.

There are a few patch notes announcements regarding the future of Skill Up Skillet; step lively and listen!

Bug fixes:

  • Removed poll from right sidebar. To those who voted, thanks!
  • Removed seasonal snow from blog, because apparently we can’t have nice things. Like snow. (Send me a blizzard, please!)
  • Blog header image altered to reflect new posting schedule.
  • Blog icon redesigned from v. 1.0 to v. 1.2:

Version 1.0:

SuSIconNew - Primary
Was I on drugs when I made this?

Version 1.2:

Better! Faster! Stronger! Skillet-ier!

The SuS icon change is by far my favorite of the batch; all good art improves with age, right? Additionally, several new features have been added throughout the course of the year. Let’s discuss some of the most noteworthy changes…

Continue reading A New Year’s Announcement: Skill Up Skillet 1.2

Banana Chocolate Death Star Waffles


Today’s the day. We’ve all been waiting for what seems like forever. Star Wars: Episode VII is finally in theaters! Admittedly, today I woke up on the dark side of the bed after very little sleep and the realization sinking in that I have to scale back on my geeky recipes. Luckily, I soon discovered that I could Awaken the Force and my day with a generous stack of Banana Chocolate Death Star Waffles. They’re quick, they’re easy, they’re a real crowd-pleaser, AND they’re made from scratch! Say what?

Just like that, I was back in celebration mode. New Star Wars, themed waffles, and my first blogging anniversary?  Suddenly I’m bursting with energy and enthusiasm! Or is that the banana slices and chocolate chips?

Ready? Let’s go!

Continue reading Banana Chocolate Death Star Waffles

LEVEL UP! Skill Up Skillet is 1 year old: A Look Back

Can you believe it? Today is the first anniversary of Skill Up Skillet’s first post. Geeks, we’ve come so far together in a mere 365 days. Skill Up Skillet was created to share new and interesting recipes based off of video games, anime, movies, and geek culture. However, because I’ve always hated cookbooks I was determined to be candid about my culinary adventures. (Spoiler alert: Sometimes ‘candid’ is synonymous with ‘brutally honest’.)

For those loyal readers who have been with us since the beginning, thank you. For our newer readers, welcome! I’m so freaking stoked to have you all here.

Just in case no one’s told you today, you are THE BEST person in the world. Seriously, you’re my favorite.

Fun fact: I hate the color pink.

Each of you gets me one step closer to world domination. Well, not exactly world domination per se, but close enough. Slowly but surely, we’re getting there. For the visually inclined, I’ve compiled this handy infographic:

I own America. Muahahaha.

I still can’t get over it. Today let’s discuss progress, recipes, bests, worsts, and plans for the future. And, of course, stay tuned for the giveaway results. Can you handle it?

(Honey badger don’t care; let’s go.)

Continue reading LEVEL UP! Skill Up Skillet is 1 year old: A Look Back

Herobrine! (Sort of)

Happy Thursday!

Just a quick update to let you guys know today’s post will be coming out tomorrow. Why, you ask? Tomorrow is going to be a double post extravaganza! Here’s what you’re going to get:

  1. A sweet chocolate chip and banana Death Star waffle recipe!
  2. The Best and Worst of Skill Up Skillet, because list posts!
  3. Plans for the future of Skill Up Skillet!
  4. Exclamations!
  5. ???
  6. Profit!

The giveaway ends tonight at midnight; have you entered yet?


Click to Enter!

Thanks for your patience,



It’s Time for Twisted Metal: Sweet Tooth’s Cotton Candy Fudge


Does it feel like the holidays yet? With maybe three days of temperatures in the 30’s since Thanksgiving, I’m feeling a big NO. You know what does make me feel like celebrating? Two words: Twisted Metal. Nononono, listen. I’m serious. How can you listen to this track from the North Pole level in Twisted Metal 3 and not get into the spirit?

Rob Zombie and Jingle Bells. Come on. Could there be anything more magical? Twisted Metal is one of my first and favorite video games. Today we’ll be channeling Sweet Tooth with a cotton candy fudge recipe that’s… well… killer. Homing missiles not included.

Ready? Let’s go.

Continue reading It’s Time for Twisted Metal: Sweet Tooth’s Cotton Candy Fudge

Hunger Games Chocolate Cherry Custard


First: I’m dreadfully sorry about last week. Unfortunately I was unable to publish a new recipe due to some pretty wicked gastrointestinal issues. On a related note, who the actual fuck washes their dishes with straight bleach? I ask you.

I have a  special treat for you this week: Chocolate custard dotted with cherries from the Hunger Games. Though only mentioned in passing, this dessert sounded so good it demanded to be made. That, and do you have any idea how much lamb costs?! I was not about to make the lamb-and-plum stew. We’ll talk about that when I get a raise or three. Good?  Good.

As of now I’m making two batches of each recipe weekly; one for the blog and house, and one for a friend to take to work. Now that’s what I call job security! Stay tuned at the end of the post for the actual test message conversation about just how well the custard was received.

Ready? Let’s go.

Continue reading Hunger Games Chocolate Cherry Custard

November’s Featured Recipe: Bombchu Lemon Bars!


November’s Featured Recipe is here at last! You voted; I experimented in the kitchen. I’m proud to say that with a little patience and perseverance we were able to create something really unique! This week’s recipe:  Bombchu Lemon Bars from Legend of Zelda! Yes, those little explosive mouse-like thingies. Are they not adorable?

This recipe comes in three parts: a buttery, slightly sweet shortbread, creamy and sour lemon curd, and complementing ABC (apple, blueberry, cinnamon) fruit leather. All from scratch, all in less than 24 hours. Cut me a little slack, fruit leather takes forever to dehydrate!

Look at the tails. LOOK AT THEM. Are you ready for this? Too late, let’s go.

Continue reading November’s Featured Recipe: Bombchu Lemon Bars!

Skill Up Skillet is 1 Year Old! It’s giveaway time!


Can you believe it? Skill Up Skillet is one month away from its first blogversary! I don’t know about you but I feel like celebrating. Shout it from the rooftops, we’ve made it! Coincidentally, our one year blogversary falls on the exact same date Star Wars: Episode VII hits theaters. No, I didn’t plan that. Really. I promise. This is the first post. Right here.

Naturally, you know what that means. Surely you must know.

No? Well.

Skill Up Skillet is hosting its very first giveaway! Continue reading Skill Up Skillet is 1 Year Old! It’s giveaway time!